Sunday, August 21, 2011

5 Things

This week is all about the things that represent 5 Simple Joys in life, as I would say. It can be your dream job, a guilty pleasure, an inspiration, something to keep you fit and last but not the least, something that expose you a whole new environment.

Find a job that you love
One that makes you feel like you'll never work a day in your life.

Cheap sweet treats
These are all good stuff and can instantly make you feel good after having a long day.

You got nothing to lose if this thing doesn't serve its purpose for you 
A fancy healthy weapon believed to make you cut down those unnecessary cravings and also do some beauty wonders.

Your favorite actor: Jude Law remains strong after the storm
Whether or not your favorite movie star still have their stars shining bright, they can always make your heart skip a beat when you watch them, right?

Travelling and the joy it brings
Break-away from the city's demanding scheme, grab your well-loved weekender bag and do not forget to turn-off your mobile phone.

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